Over the last few decades, changes in the structure
of the labor market, wage polarization and growing
inequality, the decline of unions and disinvestment
in public education and skills training have created
skills gaps and deficits that keep people out of solid
jobs and prevent employers from growing strong
businesses. However, evidence-based practices in
workforce development and training have proven
effective in closing skills gaps, strengthening local
economies and moving individuals from poverty
to middle-class lives. These core principles and
practices include:
- Demand driven:
Close planning by education and
training providers with employers for demand driven
skills training that meet hiring needs, adapts
to rapid changes in technology, and reflects the
unique attributes of local and regional economies.
- Lifelong learning for the 21st century economy:
building for quality entry-level jobs and continued
opportunities for skills development to enable
advancement along career pathways and lattices.
This includes innovative employer investments
in skills as well as supports for workers to obtain
credentials and degrees.
- Work-based learning:
apprenticeships, internships
and work experience for youth and adults to
develop and practice skills in real-life settings and
gain exposure to a wide array of jobs and careers.
- Cushioning for periods of unemployment and time
out of the labor market:
income supports that
reflect the realities of the labor market, including
gig and contract employment and access to quality
skills training that responds to scheduling and
family demands.
- Targeted strategies for people with barriers to
specialized work skills development and
placement for those with histories of incarceration,
disability, displacement and poverty, as well as limited
skills, including English language skills.
- Adequate public and private investment in education
and training:
increased federal, state, local and
private investment in skills training to respond to
increasing labor market demand for new skills.